Best Color of Office Wall Based On the Type of Work

The previous post, states that the Office color effects on employee productivity. Color is commonly associated with emotions or inner conditions. For example, red usually signifies anger, aggressiveness, and even danger. The color effect can also be utilized to provide a stimulant or soothe entire staff in the Office.

However, according to the famous psychologist of color, Angela Wright said that, in contrast to popular opinion, the thing that determines the influence of a color is the intensity, not its own color.

According to Angela, what can make the color effect (stimulate or calm) is not a color, but the intensity. A strong and bright color will help stimulate, while colors that are slightly dimmer will soothe.

Then, what color should you use based on the type of  performed in your workplace? The following are brief explanations:

  1. Blue with orange spots are great for working that requires thinking.
  2. Yellow is suitable for designers because it can stimulate creativity.
  3. Red is suitable for all jobs that require physical activity.
  4. Green is appropriate for accountants, or any work that involves the exchange of money.

Color Of Office Based on the work
main conference room of PapayaMobile

Of course, this rule is not absolute. Co-founder and CEO PapayaMobile Si Shen had other opinions regarding to the influence of each color, and the all aim are purposed to  liven up the atmosphere in the Office.

In AppFlood room, their main conference room, is painted red to indicate seriousness, because this is where the scene of approval or important decisions affecting the future of PapayaMobile form. While the blue color was chosen for ' Papaya ' Reading Room, it is for calmness and wisdom.

Wall Office Colors for Productive Employees

Choosing Colors for Wall Room Office

Choosing colors paint for wall office space cannot be taken lightly. Because of psychologically, the color space can create a psychological atmosphere that can affect employees.

Color can be a very powerful tool in representing the information as well as ideas and views. The color you choose in a room will affect the people who work there, helping increase or decrease performance, mood and other psychological effects.

Choosing a paint color for wall office wall should notice to the valuation effects, dramatic and businesses, because color could have an impact effects on employees, clients and other visitors. Color also can improve creativity as well as an indication about the perception of good or bad about your business.

So what is exactly  role of color for space? The study shows that some colors can significantly improve a person's productivity, concentration and motivation.

wall office painting colors

Details of color, and effect given

This is where the role of color can make a choice. Then how are details of color and what are effects will be given? Here are the details, quoted from

  • Blue: can be calming and can lower the pulse rate and increase productivity. 
  • Green: creating calm, soothing atmosphere, which can relieve stress.
  • Red and orange: effect of excitement and enthusiasm. 
  • Purple: to promote artistic creativity. 
  • Yellow: cheerful 
  • Chocolate and gray young: provide peacefully. 

But all of these colors, green is the color that is considered to provide the balance of the user. Green color spectrum often become the easiest feast for the eyes and gives the effect of calmness.

You have to know what the message is conveyed by an office wall paint colors, so you can create the desired effect. If you want to improve employee productivity, then you can use colors such as red, orange or yellow, combined with blue and green.

Blue and green alone is calming color, so as to reduce work productivity. While too much red will be more and more tension and stress for some people. You can combine colors well, or use neutral color which is combined with an aggressive color.

Unique Office Designs for General

If we try to find an example of a unique office design, mostly it is the office that handles the IT field. But unique office design is not only for IT companies. Some banks institutions to financial services office ask architects to design them better.

It is like the office design of the architect company,
On the side of an office building near the window there is a free path for the bike or jogging track.

Unique office design of Architect Company

unique office design of architec company

Office design of Hub & SCL was created by designers and architects Hyunjoon Yoo of South Korea.

unique office design of Hub & SCL

This is the head office of ASB North Wharf. This office design created by BVN Donovan teamed with Jasmax.

unique office design of ASB Nort Wharf

Head office of ANZ bank's. The bank office design created by Hassell, to the interior of the office is Sydney

Unique Office Design of ANZ head office

Met Daiken (architect), designed the office for a while and can be moved, made from used containers converted into an office.

It requires some old containers and steel frame to accumulate. As shown below, Sugoroku office located in Gifu Japan. The architect said, in the big city it is difficult to get land or rent office for a while.

The building below is made with 7 containers and stacked into 3 levels, complete with a balcony in above.

unique office design

Office Meeting Desk-Table Tennis Can Be

Today many offices is specially designed, and far from being the official office, or conventional style. For example is Google office that looks dynamic and relaxing, where you can play while it is saturated in the office.

Unique - Office Meeting Desk-Table Tennis

Trend of unique office interior design, demanded the furniture craftsmen to be different, one of which is furniture meeting table that can be converted into a tennis table when it is not in use.

Office Meeting Desk-Table Tennis Can Be

Office desk furniture which is in the form of Table & Tennis is meeting table furniture that can also switch the function to playing tennis when not in use for meetings.

The size is made equal to the size of a tennis table but with prettier design and reminiscent of a conference table.

The distinguishment here is the meeting table furniture was fitted with a drawer, a place to store all the equipment to play tennis, from bats to balls. Now you have meeting table could be useful for other things.

Office Meeting Desk-Table Tennis Can Be 2

By having this meeting table, employees can easily have a table tennis area. Saturated moments or leisure can be used by employees for playing tennis.

By doing moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, will make the body more fit. With a body fitter employees, will increase productivity in the office.

Unique Office Desk Equipped with Bike Pedals

Now the 2in1 term is not only available on variety of foods. With innovation at the office desk, it can make these devices as a multifunctional media, not only as office aid, but can also be used as a gym, which can make body healthier.

Unique Office Desk Equipped with Bike Pedals image 1

WeBike product is an n office desk-chair equipped with pedals like a bicycle so that you can work while you exercise with more ease. According to research that by moving the bike pedals with eases for 30 minutes, would have a positive impact in their work or improve productivity by almost 30%.

office desk 2in1 with pedals

WeBike is an office chair desk tool, which not only make you healthier, but it also makes the company more power-efficient because every time you rotate the pedals, it will automatically generate electricity that can be used for charging the phone or turn on the LED light on the table.

unique office desk, webike

The office desk-chair (WeBike) is sold in the market for 9,950 Euros with capacity of 3 persons, but the various versions are also available.

webike is unique office desk and chair with bike pedals

Important Factors for Designing Office Space

Research has shown that the design office with lots of windows, functional office desk, and plenty of open office space will increase productivity and will help to improve the better spirit of office workers.

Its important factor when arranging the layout of the new office, to ensure that the design of the office is better, allowing your employees to work better as a team and to make the best use of available space.

Office desk that you choose also play an important role in this regard, where you decide to put them and determine how the rest of the layout of your office. The best thing is to avoid the traditional cubicle design if you can, create a more open office design office desk with groups to improve communication between employees.

By doing this, you can also create a good first impression for anyone who visits your office and give the impression of good management.

best design office space

Old cubicles design that has been popular for the last twenty years is quickly replaced with a more contemporary and modern office design, a lot of managers prefer to design office space that is more open.

Currently we find more office partitions in every office space. It can be helpful for a manager to share space with every employee in the company and it can improve communication between management and their employees.

Of course, a conference room with meeting table is still needed for an important meeting, but the general manager now prefers an open work area where they can interact more with their staff.

If you are considering redesigning the layout of your office and buy a new office desk and meeting table, then the communication between your staff should be one of your top priorities.

And at the same time you might also want to consider purchasing IT equipment that will fit into your Office Design Layout correctly.

The main priority in the redesign of the office is to create a comfortable atmosphere for employees, and improve communication between them. Thus increasing productivity and getting good business.

How to Organize the Office Space

The office space is the space where we do an activity in day-to-day work. So office space should give rise spirit and cheerful impression in work. Therefore our advice is, if you arrange office space, adjust the position or placement of the interior space in your office, from the tools to your collection of knick knacks that create a comfortable atmosphere while doing work activities.

organizeing office space

Here are things to consider when arranging office space:


Do not place the cabinet close to door, in order to open freely. Place the bookcase and file cabinet in a place that does not obstruct the view and the way you cut grooves. Adjust the position of your desk by putting it in the direction of sunlight. Because of there are opinions that the light can generate energy in the human body and mind at work.


Place the seat, with no face to the wall, or to the window. If you have to sit down which face to the window, then put a small mirror above the office desk.

Files Cabinet

Organize important files cabinet look neat and put it on the left table. Because of this will spur energy that can facilitate job performance.


Place the computer in comfortable place as possible. Do not put excessive accessories on the table office / in addition to your computer, especially with striking colors.


Place the stationery in a small vase so it will look more beautiful. Provide drinking water at your desk to keep your stamina while working.


If your hobby is to put pictures/photos, you should choose a memorable photo cheerful, which aims to boost your morale.


Place the phone in accordance with the customs of your hand using the phone. And place it in an accessible place.


Place the trash under the desk next to you at a distance that is easily reached, making it easier for you.

organizing office space