How to Organize the Office Space

Posted by Office Supplies

The office space is the space where we do an activity in day-to-day work. So office space should give rise spirit and cheerful impression in work. Therefore our advice is, if you arrange office space, adjust the position or placement of the interior space in your office, from the tools to your collection of knick knacks that create a comfortable atmosphere while doing work activities.

organizeing office space

Here are things to consider when arranging office space:


Do not place the cabinet close to door, in order to open freely. Place the bookcase and file cabinet in a place that does not obstruct the view and the way you cut grooves. Adjust the position of your desk by putting it in the direction of sunlight. Because of there are opinions that the light can generate energy in the human body and mind at work.


Place the seat, with no face to the wall, or to the window. If you have to sit down which face to the window, then put a small mirror above the office desk.

Files Cabinet

Organize important files cabinet look neat and put it on the left table. Because of this will spur energy that can facilitate job performance.


Place the computer in comfortable place as possible. Do not put excessive accessories on the table office / in addition to your computer, especially with striking colors.


Place the stationery in a small vase so it will look more beautiful. Provide drinking water at your desk to keep your stamina while working.


If your hobby is to put pictures/photos, you should choose a memorable photo cheerful, which aims to boost your morale.


Place the phone in accordance with the customs of your hand using the phone. And place it in an accessible place.


Place the trash under the desk next to you at a distance that is easily reached, making it easier for you.

organizing office space

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